[RP TownTalk] alternatives to creating more garbage

Lou King lking at knob.com
Sun Sep 16 19:49:22 UTC 2007

As for option c) I believe I have heard that the Town pays the county by 
the pound for the Wednesday recycling pickup.  That's why I didn't 
include that option for paper. 

That is the only option I know of for glass, plastic, cans etc.  And I 
try not to have lots of that.


Marc Molino wrote:
> That's a good question, Lou. I'l have to defer to anyone on the list 
> that can answer that: What is best for the town in terms of recycling 
> paper: a)Take to the elementary school? b) Take to Public Works on 
> Saturdays? c) Tie it up and let it be collected on Wednesdays from 
> your residence (the county will provide you with recycling container 
> free of charge if you don't have one)?

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