[RP TownTalk] The good old days!

ABragg7393 at aol.com ABragg7393 at aol.com
Tue Aug 5 20:11:20 UTC 2008

Does anyone remember back in the good ol' days (1970) when the town  
furnished each household with a metal trash can stand.  In this stand was  placed a 
paper bag  which was filled with trash.  The public  works people would walk 
down your driveway, yeah its true, and pick up the paper  bag and haul it away to 
the trash truck.  The town also furnished the paper  bags.  All included in 
our taxes which were quite low back then.  We  had fewer workers, trucks, staff 
then too.  It was wonderful not to have to  worry about totting  trash cans 
out to the curb and actually made the town  look better since there were never 
any containers lining the streets waiting for  people to come home from work 
or getting out on the wrong day.  Then came  the progress where we were 
instructed to haul our own bags out to the  street.  Saving time and money here.  So, 
that wasn't so bad we got  used to it.  Then came more progress.....those 
bags were getting messed up  by the dogs and the birds and trash was getting all 
over so now we would be  required to get a container which had to meet 
specific specifications and haul  that out to the street.  OK, we did that.  Now we 
have progress  again.  I can't wait to see what 2020 brings for us!    
Imagine.....no gas, so we have to wheel those containers to the dump.  I  can see the 
little old lady (that would be me)  struggling down the East  West Highway 
with my container.  I'm smiling happy I'm still here to  witness the progress!

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