[RP TownTalk] New Years News from the Master Peace Community Garden

Vinnie Bevivino bevivino at umd.edu
Fri Feb 1 19:53:28 UTC 2008

Happy New Year from the Master Peace Community Garden:

We're very excited to get started on our new year's growing season,  
and have some news to share!

Master Gardener Training - The Engaged University is hosting the  
Prince George's County Master Gardeners training, a great community  
horticultural class open to the public.  Learn all aspects of  
gardening, from fruit tree pruning to soils to weed management, as  
well as how to apply that knowledge to your community.  The training  
is at the Center for Educational Partnership, where the Master Peace  
Community Garden is located, and is every Tuesday evening from March  
4th to June 28th.  Learn as much as any University class, for a  
fraction of the cost.  For more information, including how to apply  
for the class, visit http://mastergardener.umd.edu/local/Prince%20Georges/index.cfm 
  .  Registration is limited to 25 people, and we are getting very  
close to that number, so if this interests you act quickly.

Community Garden Meetings - We have scheduled a series of meetings to  
get your feedback about what you would like to see in the garden.  If  
you would like to help us plan or spread the word about these  
meetings, let us know.  We hope to use the information gathered at  
these meetings to design the youth and family educational programs,  
the volunteer programs, as well as our farmers market.  All meetings  
will be held at the Center for Educational Partnership (see address  
below).  The meeting times and dates are:
	Wednesday February 20th from 6 to 7PM
	Saturday March 1st from 10 to 11AM
	Tuesday March 4th from 6 to 7 PM
	Saturday March 15th from 10 to 11AM

Community Garden Plots -  We are about ready to accept applications  
for this growing season's community garden plots.  Last year where we  
supplied the space, seeds, water, and tools that neighborhood families  
used grow healthy fruits and vegetables for their homes, but didn't  
have a set educational program that went along with the community  
gardening.  This year, we are developing a Saturday family gardening  
educational program that will use these plots.  In addition to last  
year's program, this program is designed for neighbors to come  
together to learn together about gardening and cooking.  We are  
working to develop this program, and as soon as we do, and get  
everything translated into Spanish, we will be sending it out.

Volunteer Day -  To celebrate the beginning of the growing season and  
the end of the Alternative Spring Break program, in which a team of  
University of Maryland student will be helping us expand our garden,  
we invite the whole community for a day of volunteering.  Come out on  
Saturday March 22nd, from 10 to 3PM, and prepare to have some fun in  
our garden.

Internships - Do you know a high school or college student that's  
looking for a great internship experience where they can learn the  
fundamentals of gardening and community nutrition?  The Master Peace  
Community Garden is looking for interns to work with us during the  
2008 growing season.  You can download the position's advertisement  
from our website, www.engagedu.umd.edu/programs/cnuf/mpg .

Vinnie Bevivino
Community Garden Educator
The Engaged University
Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program
University of Maryland

The Center for Educational Partnership
6200 Sheridan Street
Riverdale, MD 20737

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