[RP TownTalk] does this seem democratic?

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 16:20:42 UTC 2008

Ask and you shall receive.  Much appreciated, Regina. I see exactly where
the Post went wrong -- they took the 46 chosen by congressional district
number and declared that to be the total number of voter-chosen delegates.
Shame on them. I will write the Post today. Thanks, again for the legwork on
getting the clarification.

Of course that still leaves 29% of our delegates as super delagates -- still
apparently above the national average, and certainly still way above what
some would take to be a reasonable number. But I am at least satisfied to
know we're not a total outlier.

On 2/2/08, Regina M. Kreger <regina at kreger.net> wrote:
> I posted the question in the comments on
> http://demconwatch.blogspot.com/2008/01/superdelegates-who-havent-endorsed.html-- a website which is maintaining a list of superdelegates' candidate
> endorsements.  They only list 20 for Maryland, between those who have and
> those who have not endorsed.  Here is the response I got:
>  reginak said...
> Today's Washington Post lists far more superdelegates for Maryland (I
> didn't check D.C. & Virginia, they may be different too). "Maryland will
> send 99 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Of those, 46 will
> be chosen Feb. 12, and the rest will be chosen by the party."
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/27/AR2008012702377.html
> February 02, 2008 7:55 AM
> <http://demconwatch.blogspot.com/2008/01/superdelegates-who-havent-endorsed.html#c7104140526352699949>
> <http://www.blogger.com/delete-comment.g?blogID=18747118&postID=7104140526352699949>
> Matt <http://www.blogger.com/profile/02126730290750804530> said...
> Who you going to believe, the Washington Post or us? Here's the breakdown.
> Maryland has 99 total delegates. 70 are allocated by the primary, 46 by
> congressional district, and 24 allocated statewide. That leaves 29
> superdelegates, 27 regular ones, and 2 add-ons. As a clarification, while
> the state party does pick 9 of the statewide delegates, but they are pledged
> delegates chosen based on the primary results.
> Dwight Holmes wrote:
> Did anyone else catch this in last Monday's Post? I found it quite
> shocking and disheartening. We've all heard about the 'super delegate'
> phenomenon... According to this (below) when Dems vote on the 12th in the
> Maryland Democratic primary, we will be selecting only 46 delegates out of
> Maryland's total of 99 that will attend the convention in Denver. So that
> means we will NOT be choosing 53 of the delegates -- more than half.
> What's with that?? I thought MD was now a non-smoking state!! ;-)
> Now it doesn't clearly state that the missing 53 delegates are all "super
> delegates" -- and that would be a very high number, since the national total
> is something around 800 -- doesn't seem like Maryland should get 1/16 of all
> super delegates.  So maybe something else is at work here -- could even be a
> typo!
> Anybody here know more about this?
> *Maryland (link to Washington Post article of 1/28/08)*
> <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/27/AR2008012702377.html>
>    - The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Those registered in
>    the Democratic and Republican parties can vote in their party's primary. The
>    primaries include the presidential and congressional contests and
>    nonpartisan school board races.
>    - Maryland will send 99 delegates to the Democratic National
>    Convention. Of those, 46 will be chosen Feb. 12, and the rest will be chosen
>    by the party. A candidate must get more than 15 percent of the vote to
>    receive delegates.
>    - On the GOP<http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/U.S.+Republican+Party?tid=informline>side, 37 delegates will go the convention, of which 24 will be chosen Feb.
>    12 and the rest by the party.
> I've put this on the Wiki along with a voter registration lookup/info
> site:
> http://rpwiki.wetpaint.com/page/Elections
> --
> Riverdale Park Community Wiki
> http://rpwiki.wetpaint.com/

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