[RP TownTalk] LIQUOR STORE OPPOSITION CITIZEN ACTION: Volunteer Meeting & "Stop-By" Petition Signing at the S&J - Saturday, February 15th at 10AM

Heather Blanchard heather.blanchard at mac.com
Sat Feb 9 17:31:27 UTC 2008

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

As we all have heard here on TownTalk yet another liquor store is  
opening up in our town. We have a saturation of establishments in our  
city limits, including 6 establishments within a 1/4 of a mile of  
this newly proposed liquor store. A saturation of liquor stores is  
not what Riverdale Park should be known for, nor will it help us grow  
our community in a positive way.

We need to hear your VOICE!  We need to YOUR HELP!

WHAT:  		Volunteer Petition Drive Meeting & Drop By Letter/Petition  
Signing (oh, and free coffee!)

WHERE: 	S&J Restaurant located at 6108 Rhode Island Avenue

WHEN: 		SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 2008 - 10AM - 1PM; Group petition  
drive by ward begins at 1PM from the S&J

Here is what YOU can DO:

1) VOLUNTEER TO BE A WARD LEAD: Come to the Saturday meeting and  
volunteer to organize folks in your ward to help gather signatures  
and sign letters. Attached is all you need to organize your neighbors  
to sign up their street.

2) VOLUNTEER TO BE A STREET LEAD: You know your neighbors? Always  
good to say hi, right? How about taking a few minutes just to walk  
your immediate street to gather signatures and sign letters --even  
just a few signatures will go a long way!

3) STOP BY PETITION SIGNING: The easiest way to get your voice heard  
- just swing by the S&J starting at 10AM on Saturday for coffee and a  
few volunteers will be happy to take your signature -- it will take  
less than 5 minutes!

Please email me if you would like to lead your Ward's efforts in this  
important issue or if you have signatures/letters that need to be  
picked up.

It only takes a few people to make the change we seek today -   
together we can make a difference. I know we can do it!

Hope to see you at the S&J on Saturday!


Heather Blanchard
heather.blanchard at mac.com
703-593-3823 phone

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