[RP TownTalk] The Delegate System

Susan Lewis medicinewoman56 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 12 12:46:50 UTC 2008

I completely understand why the selection of Delegates was essential in the
time when a delegate had to leave his farm or his job, climb on a horse and
come to the Nations Capitol (be it here or in Philadelphia) so that his
area's interests could be represented.  However, in this day of computers
and the ability to instantly withdraw money from my checking account before
I step away from the checkout at Shoppers, I cannot fathom why we don't
simply count the votes.  Throw out the chip cards and computerize!  We could
have a new President within moments of the polls closing.  Absentee ballots
are required to be in ahead of the actual election anyhow.  There's no
better time for every American to have a vote that counts and for the
popular vote to work. It's archaic to continue to use Delegates.   Just my 2
cents. ($40.00 with inflation).  Sue

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