[RP TownTalk] foosball table

Drena J. Galarza djgal97 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 12 19:37:43 UTC 2008

hi neighbors.  i am throwing a small gathering at my house in a few weeks and i wanted a foosball table for the festivities.  i was looking for one that someone wanted to get rid of for free or for pretty cheap, because i only need it for the night (we don't have the space for one regularly) and i will probably end up donating it shortly after...  any leads?  contact me off list djgal97 at hotmail.com  if you're feeling really neighborly and you want to lend yours out for the night (23rd of feb) i promise to take care of it and repay the favor with a giftcard or some other treasure :)  for my fellow thrift store shoppers, keep your eyes open for me!  best wishes, drena (nicholson street)
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