[RP TownTalk] New Korean Restaurant

Andrew Salgadoe asalgadoe at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 13 16:07:45 UTC 2008

Hi All,
  We went here the night before last and it was delicious!  We were also regulars at the Yi Jo on Route 1 at the Day's Inn. This will not be a second location - they are moving their business to Riverdale Park according to the owners. Let's make sure our town gives them plenty of business by telling all our friends and neighbors to try it out. 
  For those of us that don't have a lot of experience with Korean food, here's some ideas on what to order:
  - Start off with an order of Mandoo - deep fried appetizer kind of like pot stickers
  - Have any of the barbecues - I love the Bulgoki (marinated barbecued beef)
  Along with the barbecue you get 5-10 little panchan, or salads, of kim chee, pickled cucumber, bean sprouts, etc and rice that are a whole meal in itself.
  - You could also add a KimChee jigae (kim chee soup) or a seafood or scallion pancake which are all delicious.
  If you're still unsure, let us know and my partner and I will personally accompany you to your first visit!!

"Regina M. Kreger" <regina at kreger.net> wrote:
  Bruce, is it gone from Rt. 1 or is this a second location?  I love that restaurant, happy to have it a little closer!

bruce.wernek at mindspring.com wrote:     body{font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color: #ffffff;color: black;}      All
  A new Korean restaurant opened next to (on right) the Alamo in the Alamo shopping plaza.  It's called the Koreana, but you can't tell from the sign since it's in Korean.  The restaurant used to be called the YiJo and was located on Rt 1 just north of the University Blvd/Greenbelt Rd overpass.  YiJo was frequented by literally busloads of Korean tourists on their way to DC.   They are now going to the Koreana.  The food is great and you can't get fat eating Korean food because it's too healthy.  The menu is extensive and prices range from ~$10 - $30 for dinner.  They used to have a great lunch box for $8, but they haven't got that back on the menu yet.  This is real Korean food, unlike what is commonly referred to as Chinese food.
  I encourage all of you to check it out.  You won't be sorry.

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