[RP TownTalk] Polyface farms

kathy galleher kgalleher at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 14 02:47:35 UTC 2008

Sorry List!
I followed the excellent instructions on receiving MIME email, but now I don't get individual's email addresses at the top of each message.

So Nancy!  I am very interested in learning more about this organic meat csa.  Please backchannel me at kgalleher at yahoo.com

----- Original Message ----
From: "towntalk-request at riverdale-park.org" <towntalk-request at riverdale-park.org>
To: towntalk at riverdale-park.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 7:00:08 AM
Subject: TownTalk Digest, Vol 19, Issue 10

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    towntalk at riverdale-park.org

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of TownTalk digest..."
Today's Topics:

   1. The Delegate System (Susan Lewis)
   2. HB 927 (Susan Lewis)
   3. PG Schools (Susan Lewis)
   4. organic meat delivery (Nancy Augustine)
   5. Re: PG Schools (Nina Faye)
   6. foosball table (Drena J. Galarza)
   7. New Korean Restaurant (bruce.wernek at mindspring.com)
   8. New Korean restaurant, etc. (Sue Collins)
   9. Polls open until 9:30 (Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland)
  10. February RP 4-H Club this Thursday! (Arletta Gustafson)
  11. Wed meeting on Cool Cities (Judy Glaes)
  12. Re: Polls open until 9:30 (Lou King)

-----Inline Message Follows-----

 Just my 2
cents. ($40.00 with inflation).  Sue

-----Inline Message Follows-----

I'm starting to get responses from that mass emailing I sent out.  Anyone

-----Inline Message Follows-----

It's true, Dwight.  My son is a certified teacher - High School Social
Studies and a certified coach.  That is an attractive package for any school
system.  My son will not even look at openings in PG for ALL of those

My daughter transitioned to Parkdale this year.  What a disaster.  Up to and
including the School Board I got nowhere.  I won't get into details in this
forum, but she is now in Buffalo, NY, with family, getting a good solid
education that will prepare her for a future that includes success.  It was
a tough decision, but as a parent I found that working with the system here
wasn't working.

It's a broken system and it needs to be fixed.  Do I have the answers?
Nope.  But somebody should. 

-----Inline Message Follows-----

For those of you that are interested, Polyface Farms delivers organic meat (pork, poultry, beef, other) to Takoma Park (and many other locations) every 6 weeks. They are just finishing their winter hiatus and will start accepting orders on February 15 for delivery on Saturday, March 1. I can forward their general info email to anyone interested. The web site is http://www.polyfacefarms.com/.  
~Nancy, Riverdale 

-----Inline Message Follows-----

      Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

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  hi neighbors.  i am throwing a small gathering at my house in a few weeks and i wanted a foosball table for the festivities.  i was looking for one that someone wanted to get rid of for free or for pretty cheap, because i only need it for the night (we don't have the space for one regularly) and i will probably end up donating it shortly after...  any leads?  contact me off list djgal97 at hotmail.com  if you're feeling really neighborly and you want to lend yours out for the night (23rd of feb) i promise to take care of it and repay the favor with a giftcard or some other treasure :)  for my fellow thrift store shoppers, keep your eyes open for me!  best wishes, drena (nicholson street)

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A new Korean restaurant opened next to (on right) the Alamo in the Alamo shopping plaza.  It's called the Koreana, but you can't tell from the sign since it's in Korean.  The restaurant used to be called the YiJo and was located on Rt 1 just north of the University Blvd/Greenbelt Rd overpass.  YiJo was frequented by literally busloads of Korean tourists on their way to DC.   They are now going to the Koreana.  The food is great and you can't get fat eating Korean food because it's too healthy.  The menu is extensive and prices range from ~$10 - $30 for dinner.  They used to have a great lunch box for $8, but they haven't got that back on the menu yet.  This is real Korean food, unlike what is commonly referred to as Chinese food.
I encourage all of you to check it out.  You won't be sorry.

-----Inline Message Follows-----

Right next to the Alamo?  Is that where the large "Foo
Dogs" are standing outside? I was wondering why they
had those outside the Alamo! I'll have to give it a
try, especially if it's authentic Korean food and not
a chain restaurant.  Thanks for the "heads up!"  

I'd also ask people to give the LaGrande supermarket
(at the old Giant Food location at Riverdale Plaza) a
try; I went in on Sunday, they had carrots, 2
one-pound bags for a dollar, celery 79 cents a bunch! 
It's nice to go shopping for produce and get change
from a $10 bill!

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

-----Inline Message Follows-----

We just heard a radio announcement that the state of Maryland has  
decided to keep the polls open until 9:30 pm tonight to accommodate  
all those who weren't able to get there before closing because of the  

Sorry Lou!


-----Inline Message Follows-----

I trust you are all 
safely ensconced in your warm abodes with your "I Voted" sticker 
It's time to have 
another 4-H meeting.  Like usual, it will be this Thursday (Valentine's 
Day) at 6:30 PM in the Edmonston Rec Center.  It was pointed out to me that 
it is on Tanglewood between Riverdale Rd and Decatur (Thanks 
  This month's 
  meeting will be a bit of a planning session.  Please come prepared with 
  all the things the kids (and adults) want to learn this year.  I'd like 
  to work out a schedule for the topics of the meetings.  I'd also like to 
  hear some ideas for field trips.  I believe one member mentioned 
  that he wanted to learn about dinosaurs.  Perhaps we could take a trip to 
  the Museum of Natural History?  Another thing to 
  think about would be community service projects.  I'd love for the kids 
  to pick a project (or two) that they'd like accomplish this year.  What 
  are they interested in?  Helping seniors?  Helping animals in some 
  way?  Environment?  The options are endless.Now, a reminder, 
please remember to bring your enrollment forms.  
REMEMBER You do not 
have to live in RP to be a member.  You don't even have to live in PG 
County.  All youth between 5 and 18 years of age are 
Join the Riverdale Park 4-H 

-----Inline Message Follows-----

  Last Minute Notice -
How to help the town move forward on the Cool City initiative by Alex 
5:30 PM, Wednesday, February 13 at Town Hall
This is the Riverdale Park Business Association meeting.
President Audrey Bragg, "Everyone is invited."
Alex, who gave the Cool Cities presentation to the mayor and council,
is first on the agenda so you don't need to stay for the whole meeting. 

Judy Glaes

-----Inline Message Follows-----

Thank you Sarah.

For that reason and others I left the school parking lot for the last 
time at 01:40.  We found out about 7:35 pm


Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland wrote:
> We just heard a radio announcement that the state of Maryland has  
> decided to keep the polls open until 9:30 pm tonight to accommodate  
> all those who weren't able to get there before closing because of the  
> weather.
> Sorry Lou!
> -Sarah

TownTalk mailing list
TownTalk at riverdale-park.org

For more information about Riverdale Park, visit http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us 
I completely understand why the selection of Delegates was essential in the
time when a delegate had to leave his farm or his job, climb on a horse and
come to the Nations Capitol (be it here or in Philadelphia) so that his
area's interests could be represented.  However, in this day of computers
and the ability to instantly withdraw money from my checking account before
I step away from the checkout at Shoppers, I cannot fathom why we don't
simply count the votes.  Throw out the chip cards and computerize!  We could
have a new President within moments of the polls closing.  Absentee ballots
are required to be in ahead of the actual election anyhow.  There's no
better time for every American to have a vote that counts and for the
popular vote to work. It's archaic to continue to use Delegates.   Just my 2
cents. ($40.00 with inflation).  Sue

I'm starting to get responses from that mass emailing I sent out.  Anyone

It's true, Dwight.  My son is a certified teacher - High School Social
Studies and a certified coach.  That is an attractive package for any school
system.  My son will not even look at openings in PG for ALL of those

My daughter transitioned to Parkdale this year.  What a disaster.  Up to and
including the School Board I got nowhere.  I won't get into details in this
forum, but she is now in Buffalo, NY, with family, getting a good solid
education that will prepare her for a future that includes success.  It was
a tough decision, but as a parent I found that working with the system here
wasn't working.

It's a broken system and it needs to be fixed.  Do I have the answers?
Nope.  But somebody should. 

For those of you that are interested, Polyface Farms delivers organic meat (pork, poultry, beef, other) to Takoma Park (and many other locations) every 6 weeks. They are just finishing their winter hiatus and will start accepting orders on February 15 for delivery on Saturday, March 1. I can forward their general info email to anyone interested. The web site is http://www.polyfacefarms.com/.  
~Nancy, Riverdale 
If it makes anyone feel any better, my single parent daughter with her two boys live in Montgomery County, and we have had constant battles with those schools since they moved to the area in 2001.  Her eldest has a 504 plan that has been ignored through middle and high school, unless we are in the schools, on the phone, or e-mailing all the time.  It just took a month to get one class switched.  He flunked the first semester of honors/AP chemistry.  We had to insist to his Counselor multiple times over a month plus period that he needed to be switched to a regular class which was available in the same time slot.  We have been to any number of meetings with counselor, teachers, even principal, when it occurred to none of them to even bring a copy of his grades.  We won't even discuss the number of teachers the guys have had who do not have a firm grasp of written English or programming/computer teachers who don't answer e-mail.  Sorry for the first thing
 in the morning rant.  I just wanted to let people know that Montgomery County schools have lots of faults as well.  Nina 

Susan Lewis <medicinewoman56 at comcast.net> wrote:  
It's true, Dwight. My son is a certified teacher - High School Social
Studies and a certified coach. That is an attractive package for any school
system. My son will not even look at openings in PG for ALL of those

My daughter transitioned to Parkdale this year. What a disaster. Up to and
including the School Board I got nowhere. I won't get into details in this
forum, but she is now in Buffalo, NY, with family, getting a good solid
education that will prepare her for a future that includes success. It was
a tough decision, but as a parent I found that working with the system here
wasn't working.

It's a broken system and it needs to be fixed. Do I have the answers?
Nope. But somebody should. 

TownTalk mailing list
To post to the list, send mail to TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
TownTalk-request at riverdale-park.org is for automated subscription processing only

For more information about Riverdale Park, visit http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us


Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.  hi neighbors.  i am throwing a small gathering at my house in a few weeks and i wanted a foosball table for the festivities.  i was looking for one that someone wanted to get rid of for free or for pretty cheap, because i only need it for the night (we don't have the space for one regularly) and i will probably end up donating it shortly after...  any leads?  contact me off list djgal97 at hotmail.com  if you're feeling really neighborly and you want to lend yours out for the night (23rd of feb) i promise to take care of it and repay the favor with a giftcard or some other treasure :)  for my fellow thrift store shoppers, keep your eyes open for me!  best wishes, drena (nicholson street)
body{font-family:Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:9pt;background-color:#ffffff;color:black;}All
A new Korean restaurant opened next to (on right) the Alamo in the Alamo shopping plaza.  It's called the Koreana, but you can't tell from the sign since it's in Korean.  The restaurant used to be called the YiJo and was located on Rt 1 just north of the University Blvd/Greenbelt Rd overpass.  YiJo was frequented by literally busloads of Korean tourists on their way to DC.   They are now going to the Koreana.  The food is great and you can't get fat eating Korean food because it's too healthy.  The menu is extensive and prices range from ~$10 - $30 for dinner.  They used to have a great lunch box for $8, but they haven't got that back on the menu yet.  This is real Korean food, unlike what is commonly referred to as Chinese food.
I encourage all of you to check it out.  You won't be sorry.

Right next to the Alamo?  Is that where the large "Foo
Dogs" are standing outside? I was wondering why they
had those outside the Alamo! I'll have to give it a
try, especially if it's authentic Korean food and not
a chain restaurant.  Thanks for the "heads up!"  

I'd also ask people to give the LaGrande supermarket
(at the old Giant Food location at Riverdale Plaza) a
try; I went in on Sunday, they had carrots, 2
one-pound bags for a dollar, celery 79 cents a bunch! 
It's nice to go shopping for produce and get change
from a $10 bill!

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

We just heard a radio announcement that the state of Maryland has  
decided to keep the polls open until 9:30 pm tonight to accommodate  
all those who weren't able to get there before closing because of the  

Sorry Lou!


I trust you are all 
safely ensconced in your warm abodes with your "I Voted" sticker 
It's time to have 
another 4-H meeting.  Like usual, it will be this Thursday (Valentine's 
Day) at 6:30 PM in the Edmonston Rec Center.  It was pointed out to me that 
it is on Tanglewood between Riverdale Rd and Decatur (Thanks 
  This month's 
  meeting will be a bit of a planning session.  Please come prepared with 
  all the things the kids (and adults) want to learn this year.  I'd like 
  to work out a schedule for the topics of the meetings.  I'd also like to 
  hear some ideas for field trips.  I believe one member mentioned 
  that he wanted to learn about dinosaurs.  Perhaps we could take a trip to 
  the Museum of Natural History?  Another thing to 
  think about would be community service projects.  I'd love for the kids 
  to pick a project (or two) that they'd like accomplish this year.  What 
  are they interested in?  Helping seniors?  Helping animals in some 
  way?  Environment?  The options are endless.Now, a reminder, 
please remember to bring your enrollment forms.  
REMEMBER You do not 
have to live in RP to be a member.  You don't even have to live in PG 
County.  All youth between 5 and 18 years of age are 
Join the Riverdale Park 4-H 
  Last Minute Notice -
How to help the town move forward on the Cool City initiative by Alex 
5:30 PM, Wednesday, February 13 at Town Hall
This is the Riverdale Park Business Association meeting.
President Audrey Bragg, "Everyone is invited."
Alex, who gave the Cool Cities presentation to the mayor and council,
is first on the agenda so you don't need to stay for the whole meeting. 

Judy Glaes
Thank you Sarah.

For that reason and others I left the school parking lot for the last 
time at 01:40.  We found out about 7:35 pm


Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland wrote:
> We just heard a radio announcement that the state of Maryland has  
> decided to keep the polls open until 9:30 pm tonight to accommodate  
> all those who weren't able to get there before closing because of the  
> weather.
> Sorry Lou!
> -Sarah

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 
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