[RP TownTalk] Md senator helps pass Telecom immunity

Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland twacks at his.com
Sat Feb 16 16:38:58 UTC 2008

Qwest's motivations are indeed quite interesting.  You might remember  
a front-page story from the Washington Post in October that Qwest was  
(apparently) asked by the NSA to do something Qwest's general counsel  
thought illegal in FEBRUARY, 2001.  I think (hope?) that everyone can  
agree that telecom immunity shouldn't go back THAT far.

The article is quite unclear about what was requested (as all of the  
court documents had the interesting information blacked out), but the  
date (many months before 9/11), and the fact that the lawyers thought  
it illegal at the time, are not.

In case you don't remember the article, you can still read it at


On Feb 16, 2008, at 10:52 AM, cranky old coot wrote:

> I applaud your motives Dwight, but I have experienced Qwest in  
> Colorado.
> You don't really want their phone service!
> Back when this all came to light my guess was that Qwest clocked  
> efforts
> to get a higher profit margin in righteous indignation.
> For example, they (Qwest) contracted with the state to provided fiber
> optic service to each county in Colorado. They have completed the
> contract in all counties except one.  Yes, the exception is the  
> county I
> care about. The whole county has only one microwave link for all their
> phone and internet connections. OK, so there is only one town  in the
> county and it is 50 miles from the next town, in the next county down
> the mountain, BUT still...
> This is a throttle on the local economy!  Every afternoon as local
> businesses close out their credit card sales, every one else's  
> internet
> service slows down as more of the microwave link is allocated to phone
> service.
> Maybe the world is not black & white
> Dwight Holmes wrote:
>> I'm just sorry Qwest isn't an available option for us
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