[RP TownTalk] Preservation Association of Riverdale Park

Alice Ewen Walker alice at ewenwalker.com
Sat Feb 16 20:48:08 UTC 2008

Doug and Susan McElrath are the best contacts for this. The association has
not met for a while, but they were very active, still maintain the archives,
and they live in town. I will try to get an email address for you.

On Feb 15, 2008 7:04 PM, Dwight Holmes <dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:

> I believe it was instrumental in getting the two Historic Districts
> designated.  The page Anne referred to has Chris Davis' name as
> President -- Chris has moved out of town but is still on this list and
> occasionally makes valuable contributions to our discussions, drawing
> on her knowledge of the history of Riverdale Park.
> On Feb 15, 2008 5:12 PM, Nancy Augustine <nya_md at verizon.net> wrote:
> > When I moved here in 2003, somebody told me there wasn't much going on
> with
> > any historic groups, although there was a committee or something listed
> on
> > the Town website. Has that changed? What does the Preservation
> Association
> > do?
> >
> > Nancy
> >
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Alice Ewen Walker
Councilwoman, Ward 1
Town of Riverdale Park
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