[RP TownTalk] Preservation Association of Riverdale Park

annelbv annelbv at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 19:09:15 UTC 2008

Thank to everyone for their help.


Alan Thompson and Sarah Wayland <twacks at his.com> wrote:  Doug McElrath is: mcelrathd [at] msn.com

The Preservation Association was meeting pretty regularly for a few months back in the summer and fall - I think the winter doldrums hit the committee! 


On Feb 16, 2008, at 3:48 PM, Alice Ewen Walker wrote:

Doug and Susan McElrath are the best contacts for this. The association has not met for a while, but they were very active, still maintain the archives, and they live in town. I will try to get an email address for you. 


On Feb 15, 2008 7:04 PM, Dwight Holmes <dwightrholmes at gmail.com> wrote:
 I believe it was instrumental in getting the two Historic Districts
designated.  The page Anne referred to has Chris Davis' name as
President -- Chris has moved out of town but is still on this list and
occasionally makes valuable contributions to our discussions, drawing
 on her knowledge of the history of Riverdale Park.

On Feb 15, 2008 5:12 PM, Nancy Augustine <nya_md at verizon.net> wrote:
> When I moved here in 2003, somebody told me there wasn't much going on with
 > any historic groups, although there was a committee or something listed on
> the Town website. Has that changed? What does the Preservation Association
> do?
> Nancy

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Alice Ewen Walker
Councilwoman, Ward 1
Town of Riverdale Park 
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