[RP TownTalk] PG Schools

Susan Lewis medicinewoman56 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 12 13:02:37 UTC 2008

It's true, Dwight.  My son is a certified teacher - High School Social
Studies and a certified coach.  That is an attractive package for any school
system.  My son will not even look at openings in PG for ALL of those

My daughter transitioned to Parkdale this year.  What a disaster.  Up to and
including the School Board I got nowhere.  I won't get into details in this
forum, but she is now in Buffalo, NY, with family, getting a good solid
education that will prepare her for a future that includes success.  It was
a tough decision, but as a parent I found that working with the system here
wasn't working.

It's a broken system and it needs to be fixed.  Do I have the answers?
Nope.  But somebody should. 

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