[RP TownTalk] Md senator helps pass Telecom immunity

Lou King lking at knob.com
Tue Feb 19 19:37:55 UTC 2008

Alan, Roland,

I now hear that the Supreme Court has declined to review the lower 
court's decision on "communication monitoring" (vs eavesdropping).

So as it stands you have the right to object if you can prove you have 
been monitored, but of course the list of who has been monitored is 
classified (for good reason I think).  So we must rely of the FISA 
Courts to protect us from the Executive Branch with the Legislative 
Branch making the rules of the game. Or is it the Courts making sure the 
Legislative Branch does not infringe on the ability of the Executive to 
meet its responsibilities, or either to infringe on our rights.

Sounds like how the founders intended thing to be.


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