[RP TownTalk] How green are they? Clinton vs Obama

Lou King lking at knob.com
Fri Feb 22 22:44:35 UTC 2008

Now Lisa I said I hadn't read any of the books so I am not the one to 
defend the idea. However comma,

As I remember, one of their points was that things shipped from 'fare 
fare away' use ships which DO have a smaller carbon impact than shorter 
trips (say California) by truck. That is carbon per orange or box of 

They may however be like lots of others who try to evaluate these 
things. They look at only one area, say carbon or fossil fuels, and not 
the hole end to end picture. My current favorite is corn-for-fuel. In 
all the (original) ra-ra to reduce the CO2 count no one included the CO2 
added by the clearing of rain forest to replace the lost food. (Yes, yes 
its more complicated than that. but the full discussion fills books.) 
Their view may also be myopic. I may not read their books. My current 
unread book stack has reach my upper limit (3 feet more than the shelf 
allocated to unread books!)


Lisa Grob wrote:

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