[RP TownTalk] Mansion Grounds

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Tue Jul 1 17:28:44 UTC 2008

I agree with you that walking your dog on mansion 
grounds would deter vandalism.  I agree with you the
public has a right.
But with "right" comes respect & responsibility. I sledded
at the mansion since I was a little girl.  We built bon
fires in the big metal cans, cooked hot dogs, drank
hot chocolate, sat on logs, sang songs.  It was a great
time - even my kids & I enjoyed it.  Would I sled there
now or let my grandchildren sled there? NO.  It is now
a beautiful historic spot & a museum - it is not a play
ground because I have a "right".  And if any of the grass
etc got messed up from the sledding - I can just see
a parent coming forward to pay to resod etc or anybody
exercising their "right" stepping up to the plate to fix it.
Therefore, we should choose Not to sled at the mansion.
And teach our children that.
We  may have a right to burn our country's flag when
we are angry - but is that respectful to our country?  
With our "rights" come responsibility for the consequences
of our "rights" - there are other ways to choose to show 
we are angry at our country.  Choosing our "right" to burn
our flag - only shows what kind of a person we really are.
The mansion is a wonderful spot to run a dog as long as
it is only a few exercising their "right" - but if many other
residents wanted to run & play too - that would be 
disrespectful as the mansion is not a dog park.
You would not see the residents at Mt Vernon running
their dogs thru Mt Vernon or Robert E Lee's house or
James Madison house etc - ---maybe early in the morning
or in the evening a few residents would walk historic home
grounds & as long as nothing major happens everyone 
closes their eyes. And this is ok.
I think what I was responding to is if one person thinks it
is their 'right' - then 100 other dog owners would think it is
their "right" - and it is their "right" - but it is not appropriate, 
respectful etc etc.
Just because we have a "right" does not mean we have to
exercise that "right" - we can CHOOSE to be respectful,
CHOOSE to look at the consequences of exercising our
 "rights" & use good judgment.

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