[RP TownTalk] FW: A view from the Ravenswood nest

Yorkedial at aol.com Yorkedial at aol.com
Mon Apr 13 15:35:01 UTC 2009

I second Marc on this. I have been impressed with the communication skills  
of the two council members I have contact with, and with Mayor Archer's  
outreach. Our council member Alice Ewen Walker, along with Ward  2's David  
Lingua, have been extremely responsive to our questions on any  town matter. 
Ms. Walker regularly sends emails giving details about  developing issues and 
follows up those incredibly dry council meetings with  informative notes. 
Just last week when I mentioned an issue with town  lighting in front of our 
properties at 6201 and 6205 Natoli Place, both Ms.  Walker and Mayor Archer 
immediately responded to my concerns, addressing  the problem and prompting 
former council member Rob Oppenheim to retrieve his  own two-year-old notes 
that precisely detailed the council's discussion  about the problem in 2007. 
Mr. Oppenheim's input was very helpful in getting the  matter moving.  
Talk  about service!
And  it is not like these folks are being paid hefty sums to do this work 
or that  they wield great power. They are, in my opinion, the Mother Teresa's 
of  local politics.  
At  some point, the citizens' civic duty must go beyond armchair  
Or  not. 
By  the way, Don (Lynch), I appreciate the info you included about on The 
Pink  House: Dr. S. M. McMillan was elected as the  first Mayor, his house is 
across from Mable Munch Park. 

Also,  we still have two apartments available for rent, a one-bedroom and a 
furnished  two-bedroom, both in The Brick House. And three other 
one-bedroom  apartments in the fashionable Eastport section of Annapolis. Go to 
_www.YorkeRents.com_ (http://www.YorkeRents.com)  or call 301-502-1243  for more 
Jeffrey  Yorke
Yorke  Partners
Natoli  Place
_www.YorkeRents.com_ (http://www.YorkeRents.com) 
In a message dated 4/13/2009 10:14:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
mmolino54 at hotmail.com writes:

I  meant to copy my reply to Don to the whole list because I'm curious as 
to how  others feel about their representatives, the opportunities to be 
informed and  involved, and the overall level of citizen interest and 
participation in  Riverdale Park.

From: mmolino54 at hotmail.com
To: dlynch at garretroomstudios.com
Subject:  RE: [RP TownTalk] A view from the Ravenswood nest
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009  08:36:45 -0400

I've lived in Riverdale Park for about 8 years now and have actually  been 
impressed with the degree to which RP citizens are invited and welcome to  
participate in local government. I think we do a disservice to our present 
and  former mayors and councilmembers to portray them as some sort of cabal 
acting  independently of the citizens needs and wishes. Since I've been here 
in Ward  2, my council members have held open houses and/or informal 
gatherings at  their homes to seek feedback, talked to me in person (as well as in 
person and  by e-mail), and frequently attend every public event where they 
are accessible  and welcome feedback (Riverdale Park Day, the Holiday 
Festival, the ArtsFest,  etc., etc.).

Sarah mentioned the many meetings that are open to the  public--I think 
some of these are even available on a cable access channel, as  well. 

I'm curious as to how the council members in the past "... would  inform 
and discuss these issues with the people within their wards", and  whether 
those methods are still feasible given the present day size of the  wards. I 
think you've raised some good issues in terms of how council members  gauge 
and represent the interests of each ward. I don't have a lot of  experience 
with town politics, but RP actually seems like one of the most  engaged and 
transparent from what I've seen and heard.

All that being  said, it's the citizens that seem least interested. Whether 
it's on this  discussion list or at actual council meetings, it's usually 
the same, small  dedicated handfull of people who are active and involved. 
Don't get me wrong,  these folks (like yourself) are great, but the majority 
of the RP citizens are  uninvolved. Is that a matter of interest, time, 
and/or access? I personally  think it's mostly lack of time and/or interest.

How would you like to  see it change, Don? Now would be a great time to 
pass these ideas along to  those running for office ; )


> From:  dlynch at garretroomstudios.com
> To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>  Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 20:59:05 -0700
> Subject: [RP TownTalk] A view  from the Ravenswood nest
> Gone are days.
>  Riverdale Park is one of the country's oldest railroad communities,  
established in 1887. It was incorporated in 1920. Dr. S. M. McMillan was  
elected as the first Mayor, his house is across from Mable Munch Park.
> There was a time when council members were elected by the various  wards 
within this community with the intent to represent the collective  opinion 
of the people from their respective wards.
> When  issues concerning the town came up, the council members would 
inform and  discuss these issues with the people within their wards and then 
report to the  town council the findings of these discussions.
> That was then  and where are we today?
> >>From issues such as the  Purple Line, art murals to 4+ story apartment 
buildings being approved within  the historic district of Riverdale Park, 
are being discussed amongst the  council members without any discussion 
amongst the wards in this town.
> No local ward meetings, discussions, comments or opinions  requested.
> Just six individuals and a Mayor, making it seven  individuals, acting 
independently of the rest of the town, making decisions  and reporting the 
results weeks later in a Town Crier, with little additional  information to go 
along with the decision making process.
> Is  this the status quo for Riverdale Park?
> Will any council  member begin to take stock in what it means to 
represent the people of their  ward by keeping them informed with issues that 
directly affect them?
> Will the mayor make sure that the council members communicate the  
important issues to the wards and demand a collective opinion from each  ward?
> Will we ever get back to a town where everyone feels  their interests 
have been heard and weighed against the majority?
> If not, as I say, gone are the days.
>  Don
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