[RP TownTalk] Reporters on the list serve

Yorkedial at aol.com Yorkedial at aol.com
Thu Feb 26 21:53:29 UTC 2009

Bingo, let's hear it for the First Amendment! Maya hits the nail on the  head.
Here's the down and dirty message: Don't leave your house without your  
clothes on if you don't want your neighbors to see you naked. Pretty simple.  It's 
all in your control. 
In a message dated 2/26/2009 4:22:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
thebee32 at aol.com writes:

So, as a former Gazette  reporter who covered your town, I decided to stay 
out of this conversation.  But considering it's been about a week of people 
complaining about Ms. Izadi's  use of TownTalk to find story ideas, I decided to 
add my 2 cents.

Like  many people have said, TownTalk is a public forum and completely 
searchable  via quick Internet search. Check out your former posts, by month, going 
back  to August 2005 here: http://riverdale-park.org/pipermail/towntalk/. 
Anything  that is written on here completely public. If you don't like the idea of 
 anyone with an Internet connection being able to know your thoughts on any  
given topic, don't post it on the Internet. It's that simple.

I can say  I haven't read the rooster article, but I do know how many 
articles I've  written after getting the idea from the list serve - articles that 
many of you  TownTalkers raved about and linked to on this list serve. How else 
do you  think we would know about open houses, international nights, mosaic 
murals at  Riverdale Elementary school, or different events at the Farmers Market 
or  Riversdale, or the Riverdale Railfans? It's rare that we get an e-mail  
directly asking us to cover something, yet these are all things that I was  
personally thanked for writing - things I learned of on TownTalk

While  I understand some of you might be upset about the one rooster article, 
think  about the numerous articles the Gazette has written over the years to  
highlight the exciting things that happen in your town before you call for a  
boycott of a paper whose entire purpose is to feature the things that happen  
in your community. Think  about what you can read in the Gazette about 
Riverdale Park as opposed to the  extremely negative stories that are usually the 
only ones to get picked up by  the bigger papers - such as those two incidents 
in the department of public  works that happened over the past few years that I 
know we'd all like to  forget  
(http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/16/AR2007071601652_pf.html  and  

Just  my 2 cents, written from the perspective of someone who thoroughly 
enjoyed  covering your town and is saddened by the response I've seen over the 
past  week.

Maya T. Prabhu
Quintana St., Riverdale  Heights

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