[RP TownTalk] The election

Lou King lking at knob.com
Thu Mar 19 14:56:54 UTC 2009

Melissa Avery wrote, On 3/18/2009 10:07 PM:  
> I notice that submitting a petition and financial affidavit to run for 
> council in Riverdale Park is April 9th.  Not a lot of time to do much 
> campaigning or even get to know the candidates.
I'm confused. Last week someone was asking why the posters were up so 
soon, 'The election wasn't until May.'

The 25 day length of the "official" campaign is established by Town code.
> Who is running for Mayor ?
> Who is running for town council?
Several people announced their campaigns at the March Council meeting.
> Are we going to find that out on April 10?
Yes, as soon as the petitions have been checked (on 9 Apr, 5:00pm) the 
slate of candidates will be announced by the Chief Elections Judge.
> where will it be announced?
As in days of old the official list of candidates will be posted on the 
Town Hall door. Additionally, the Town web page and Town Announce would 
be places to look for the official list of candidates. Sample ballets 
will be posted in each ward as soon as the Chief Election Judge can get 
them printed.

{Sorry, I don't intend to make light of your valid question. As I was 
thinking about  what the correct "official notification" is in this 
electronic age, this image of someone nailing a sheet of illuminated 
velum to the Church door popped into my head.}
> Is there going to be any public statements by the candidates regarding 
> their position on pertinent issues to the town so people can make an 
> informed choices?
As for public statements and positions it is up to the candidates to run 
their campaigns. Melissa, I'm sure Mayoral and Council candidates for 
your ward will be by to see you.
> I'm new hear and I am just curious.
Being new have you registered/changed you address with the State Board 
of Elections so you can vote in the town election?

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