[RP TownTalk] Field of Dreams Update

Bruce Wernek bruce.wernek at mindspring.com
Sun Jul 18 22:08:46 UTC 2010

I think it's pretty apparent that the nets are not going to be taken down
from time to time.  Rather than devote all of these resource to minding the
nets, why not change them.  Golf courses uses nets which are designed to
stop golf balls and not injure birds.  The Paint Branch golf course on
University Blvd uses this type of net around their driving range.  I walk
Edgar (dog) just about every Saturday morning along the bike path next to
the driving range and I have never seen a bird or any other animal tangled
in the nets.  These nets are ~30 ft high and hundreds of yards long.  Why
not purchase this type of netting and install it at the Field of Dreams?
This way the police can spend their time policing, the councilman from Ward
2 can spend his time governing, and the residents can spent their time on
more productive pursuits.  Given the level of effort required to mind the
nets and possible punitive ordinances, this will be the cheapest solution to
the problem.


Paint Branch golf course used to a have similar net surrounding the pond to
the west of the driving range.  It was removed a little over a year ago.
This net may have been stored so that it could be used to repair the net
surrounding the driving range.  This being the case, the folks at Paint
Branch golf course may not mind donating  a small section to the Town given
that the net was ~30 ft high by ~100 yards long.  At the very least, Paint
Branch golf course can provide the Town with contact information for the
purchase of this type of netting.  I can't imagine it costing more than a
few hundred dollars.




From: towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
[mailto:towntalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of David Lingua
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 6:04 PM
To: TownTalk
Subject: [RP TownTalk] Field of Dreams Update


Hello Neighbors,
     As Mayor Archer is away on vacation, I'd like to share with you the
steps being taken right now to assure there is not a repeat of what happened
last Monday morning at the Field of Dreams. I have asked our police
department for their assistance in making sure the nets are down and the
field is cleared by dusk (IE 25 minutes after sunset). Officers will also
remind those using the field of the responsibility to lower the nets when
they have finished. This request was made fully aware, that while best
efforts will be made, calls for assistance and emergencies can come at
anytime and are a priority. Please keep this in mind as we move forward.
     Thank you to those residents who have assisted with lowering the nets
when they see the field is not in use as well as those who have offered to
volunteer to do as much. One of the keys to successful commons management is
the involvement of the community. It has been, and will continue to be, the
town's effort to provide open space for the community to enjoy while posing
minimal risk to residential property and wildlife habitat. This is the
challenge we, the town, will attend to by pursuing arrangements like we have
with Ipaltecos Ausentes to help with maintaining the field, and making sure
those the town issues a use permit to do so responsibly by meeting the
town's expectations.
     We're fortunate to have such an intimate open space tucked in a
metropolitan area that some of god's creatures call home as well.
Coexistence is possible. Through the efforts of the council, town staff and
residents it can be sustainable.

David J. Lingua
Acting Mayor
Councilman Ward 3
Town of Riverdale Park, MD


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