[RP TownTalk] Fw: [HOPE_in_Hyattsville] Riverdale Park Police Advisory - SUSPECT PHOTOS

Melissa Avery m.avery at rocketmail.com
Sat Jul 24 17:48:28 UTC 2010

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: mdm273psuedu <MacNachtan at hotmail.com>
To: HOPE_in_Hyattsville at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, July 23, 2010 9:56:33 PM
Subject: [HOPE_in_Hyattsville] Riverdale Park Police Advisory - SUSPECT PHOTOS

Please have a look at the message from the Riverdale Park Police Department 
pasted below...
Armed Robbery Suspect  - click HERE for photos or go to the "Photos" section of 
the listserv.
>The linked photo is of the male subject wanted for an armed robbery that 
>occurred at 5710 Riverdale Rd. If you recognize the suspect please notify the 
>Riverdale Park Police at 301-927-4343. The suspect should be considered armed 
>and dagerous.
>Contact Information:
>Robert Turner
>301-927-4343 rturner at riverdalepa rkmd.gov
Matt M.

Matthew D. McKnight
Hyattsville City Council • Ward 3 
4013 Oglethorpe Street • Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 
mmcknight at .. . • 301-277-2320

--- In HOPE_in_Hyattsville @yahoogroups. com, "mdm273psuedu" <MacNachtan at . ..> 
> Please have a look at the message from the Riverdale Park Police
> Department pasted below...
> Advisory Message has been issued by the Riverdale Park Police
> Department.
> A Citizen Armed Robbery occurred early this morining in the parking lot
> of 5710 Riverdale Rd.
> On 07/23/2010 at 0414 hours a citizen was using the ATM located at 5710
> Riverdale Rd.(Bank of America) The suspect described as a black male,
> 20yrs.of age, 5'-08", 125 lbs. hair in dread locks, approached the
> citizen and displayed a black handgun. The suspect took the victims
> money and fled on foot. The suspect may have been accompanied by a
> Hispanic female that acted as a lookout.
> If you have any additional information, please contact the Riverdale
> Park Police at 301-927-4343
> Matt M.
> Matthew D. McKnight
> Hyattsville City Council • Ward 3
> 4013 Oglethorpe Street • Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
> mmcknight@
> <http://groups. yahoo.com/ group/HOPE_ in_Hyattsville/ post?postID= qeehNWbBk\
> RHMbGljgCcdGRhAmfLM YDK8tB0CSo8WOlxV ih1UuucLxLtBusoP WJ0ySXnxGIVwkenU KWoP0\
> 5z7Wd9YxA> • 301-277-2320

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