[RP TownTalk] I'll buy it!

Don Lynch dlynch at garretroomstudios.com
Thu Oct 7 03:30:14 UTC 2010

  There will be a public hearing on Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. regarding 
whether the town should take park and plannings offer to buy the 
property near the old boys and girls clubhouse for $150,000.

What a deal!

I believe there are many people in town who could buy that piece of real 
estate for that price.

I hate to say it but our town council was voted in on what I believe to 
be a total of lessthan 400 votes.

The last time I checked  this town has over 2000 residents who have a 
right to vote.

Our government does not represent the interests of the majority and 
therefore decisions of this magnitude should  be  a referendum.

That's our system of checks and balances, for those who slept through 
their civics classes.


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