[RP TownTalk] Town thinking about selling off land

Melissa Avery m.avery at rocketmail.com
Thu Oct 7 11:19:44 UTC 2010

I would like to add - 
what will the town gain by selling this land?
What does that menan in the scheam of things?
If we are so hard pressed for that amount of money we could find ways to 
econnomize or genarated more funds using the resources we have at hand, such as 
asking for a fee to use the field of dreams by soccer tams.

As we can see by past experience, when we sell our green space to park and 
planning we  lose control of the space in our town. 

We for ever have to get there permission to use the land, the decide how the 
land is used, we no longer have any say, and in some cases we have to pay rent 
to use what once belonged to the town.

I also question why, at this time, is the current administration so interested 
in selling this rare green space?
Does it have to do with the purple line?
I know one plan was to have a mono rail run through that part of the parkland. 
It certainly wulld be in Park and Plannings best interest to have complete 
control over that property.


From: Melissa Avery <m.avery at rocketmail.com>
To: Jim Coleman <jcolema3 at aol.com>
Cc: Town Talk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 12:18:55 AM
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town thinking about selling off land

The point is the current administration is interested in selling one of the last 
bits of property the town owns.
It's a serious issue that needs to be voted on by the towns citizens, not a 
decision made by the administration.
Remember the Field of Dreams.


From: Jim Coleman <jcolema3 at aol.com>
To: Melissa Avery <m.avery at rocketmail.com>
Cc: Town Talk <towntalk at riverdale-park.org>
Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 12:02:07 AM
Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Town thinking about selling off land

The lots comprise 15,375 sqft. The sold price of the nearest property in the 
5000 block of Tuckerman Street in June of this year was $83,000 for 11,349 sqft. 
This leaves roughly 7.31 per sqft based on this price. The equivalent value for 
the combined properties in question is $112, 450 approximately. This estimate 
obviously oversimplifies the question of building value but does work as a 
thumbnail snapshot. I think that we are all in agreement about the fact that all 
of our properties are undervalued but my estimate leaves some doubt about 
whether your conjecture is correct on the possibility of this being a back room 
deal. If it is, the town is getting the good end of this deal.  

I think the appropriate question is whether this is in the long term interest of 
the town or not based on many factors outside the value of the property. 

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Melissa Avery <m.avery at rocketmail.com> wrote:

Quote from Patch regarding the towns administrations idea of selling off one of 
the last remaining bits of land actually owned by Riverdale Park.
>"There will be a public hearing on Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m. regarding whether the 
>town should take park and planning's offer to buy the property near the old boys 
>and girls clubhouse for $150,000."
>This should be a referendum. 
>A decision of this magnitude should not be left up to back room deals. 
>$150,000 for two lots on the park?
>Does who ever proposed this deal think it's 1975?
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