[RP TownTalk] Jeys' property

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 13 11:45:18 UTC 2011

RE the Jeys’ Auto debate;
I have to admit that the thought of building a park next door to a funeral parlor on a derelict property which has been saturated over the years with goodness-knows-what type of hazardous materials WOULD be interesting in a Edward Gorey/Charles Addams way.  However; in these lean economic times when government offices at all levels are cutting back on public services, when we as citizens are being asked to do more with less, exactly why do we need to use taxpayer dollars to buy such a questionable piece of property?  Goodness knows, I LOVE the idea of parks and trees, etc., but considering the property IS right on Route 1 in an area which is undergoing extensive development, I seriously doubt that piece of land would be allowed to stay a park for very long.  If the town has extra money to spend, why not use it to improve park land we already have, or spruce up the town center?  Somebody out there might benefit if the town buys this property but I
 can't believe it will be "we the people.”  
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