[RP TownTalk] Riverdale Police

Nancy Mooney nbmooney1 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 1 03:09:12 UTC 2012

I recently aired my gripes about our lack of code enforcement, so now I want to air my praises for our Riverdale Police Force.

Recently we were in a deep sleep at 3 am and were awakened by one of our officers.  Someone had broken the window of one of our cars, and the officer noticed it, and woke us up to tell us and take a report.  It was so cool to think that while we were sound asleep oblivious there were hard-working police officers watching over our property.

This evening we called them because our neighbors were having an outdoor party and the music was very, very loud.  (Yes we had talked to the neighbors directly first).  The police responded very quickly!  The music is now at a tolerable level and we can get some needed rest.

I'm very thankful for our Riverdale Police Force!  

Nancy Mooney

ps - I noticed, while in Oklahoma City visiting family, that there are NO illegal signs posted.  I wonder why that is?  Are the 'bandits' slower in Oklahoma, or is code inforcement faster?
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