[RP TownTalk] Town Talk

Jonathan W. Ebbeler jebbeler at efusionconsulting.com
Thu Jul 12 12:46:12 UTC 2012

I would like to commend most of you for keeping the overall postings civil
over the last year or so.  In passing conversations with the TT moderator I
was told that routinely it had to be locked down such that most postings had
to be reviewed.  


I am reminded of a quote by Albert Einstein:   "Anger dwells only in the
bosom of fools."


There is not a single issue that should cause the level of anger,
resentment, divisiveness etc. that we have seen as of late, be it at the
local, county, state, or national levels.  Many of us have strong opinions,
feelings, sentiments and convictions, but others have opposing ones equally
as strong.  As adults we have societal obligations to realize how we act and
behave is what gets aped and parroted by younger generations that one day we
expect to pick up the reins of leadership.  As hard as it is sometimes, keep
in mind that what we do and say to others has a ripple effect that is felt
throughout the towns and communities we live, work, and play in for decades
to come.  


Suffice it to say however, y'all make Riverdale Park an interesting place to
live J











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