[RP TownTalk] From the County Fire Chief - February 21, 2013

Stephen C. Lamphier lamphs at aol.com
Thu Feb 21 21:21:39 UTC 2013

I could not be prouder of our men and women, volunteer and career, who work hard every day and who, once again, this morning showed that valiant courage that lies within us all.
It is tragic to report that no smoke alarms have been found at the scene of the fatal fire on Leslie Avenue.  We MUST constantly remind our communities that smoke alarms provide that first line of defense for early notification and survival.
I am pleading with each of you to go home this evening and check your own smoke alarm, replace the battery, or install that alarm that never seems to make it up on the ceiling (been there).
As an ambassador for the Fire/EMS Department, when you are done checking your detector,go next door and check your neighbors, other family members, and anyone who is less able to help themselves.
And remember, ANY Prince George’s County resident can obtain a smoke alarm FREE OF CHARGE by calling 301-864-SAFE (7233).
We will be rolling out an expansion of the PRIDE initiative, part of our SAFETY 1st, EVERYONE GOES HOME campaign, by March 1.  Please stay tuned – in the mean time, PLEASE remember to check and/or install your and your neighbors smoke alarms now!
Keep up the good work – thank you.
Marc Bashoor, Fire Chief

Steve Lamphier
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