[RP TownTalk] plumber who will service wierd tankless water heater

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 14:42:46 UTC 2014

We have a Bosch Aquastar tankless water heater. It has been awesome for the
last 14 years, but the water valve assembly needs to be rebuilt. I cannot
find anyone who is willing to do this work for us.

Can someone recommend a plumber who might be willing to work with Bosch to
rebuild this part for us? I'm at the point of doing it myself, but Bosch
won't talk to me on the phone - they will only talk to someone who "does
plumbing for a living". So I need a flexible plumber who is willing to go
outside of the usual issues and explore something new.



p.s. Please don't recommend Thomas E. Clark. They told us we needed to buy
a new unit (for $6000), and the water valve rebuild kit costs $21.95, which
I would like to try first, before committing to a $6000 repair (which I
fully recognize may be necessary, but I'd like to try the less expensive
options first).

Sarah Wayland, Ph.D. | www.GuidingExceptionalParents.com
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