[RP TownTalk] Huh?

Sarah Wayland sarah.wayland at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 21:06:00 UTC 2017

​>> ​
On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Andrew Ninnemann <aninn at umd.edu> wrote:
>> Clarification question - Are East Riverdale and Riverdale Heights in
Riverdale park then or no?

Not. If you go to Google Maps and type in "Riverdale Park, MD", you will
see the boundaries of the incorporated part of our town. It does not
include East Riverdale or Riverdale Heights.

But the town listed on your mailing address turns out to be an issue that
is different from official town boundaries.

The Post Office will deliver mail to anyone in town who has listed the town
name as "Riverdale Park" or "Riverdale".

As Dwight mentioned, the residents of our town voted to change our name to
Riverdale Park, in part because they wanted to clarify which parts of town
were served by the Riverdale (Park) municipal services.

It took us over a decade to get the official name change registered with
the Post Office. Now that the Post Office recognizes the name as a
legitimate address, we can help businesses, reporters, real estate agents,
and others consistently label our town!


Sarah Wayland, Ph.D. | www.GuidingExceptionalParents.com
Supporting students with learning differences & their families
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