[RP TownTalk] Reminder: CCAC meeting tomorrow, New Location!

cbccac at gmx.com cbccac at gmx.com
Mon Jan 8 23:40:43 UTC 2018

Hi all,
I just wanted to send a reminder that the Chief's Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) will be meeting tomorrow, January 9th, at 7:00 pm. 

Due to the rescheduled Town Council meeting, we will not be able to meet at Town Hall as originally planned. The Riverdale Park Police Department (5004 Queensbury Road) has kindly offered to host us in their Roll Call Room. Our meeting is still open to the public - just let the person at the front window know you're there for the CCAC meeting and you will be directed to the room.

Among other things, Riverdale Park Chief of Police, David Morris, will be discussing 'swatting' and how the RPPD handles these types of pranks.

A huge thank you to the RPPD for opening their doors to us! Hope to see you all there!


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