<div><b><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=5> Fences and Hedges</FONT></b></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> I am proposing new fence regulations that will promote more walkable neighborhoods. If passed, it would keep new fences and hedges from crowding sidewalks and help clarify the code and bring it in line with actual practice. </FONT></div>
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<div><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> The new code continues many restrictions already on the books, but it changes a few. This is an opportunity to review these restrictions and consider changes. </FONT></div>
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<div><b><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=4> Owner's Rights vs. Public Good</FONT></b></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> A front yard's condition has a lot more impact on a neighborhood than does the side or back yard. So maybe residents should have more freedom to build what they want in the side and back yards. The proposal has a 6-foot maximum height for fences in side and back yards and a 4-foot limit for front fences. There could be lively discussion; some residents believe a 6-foot fence is too tall for a side yard. Your comments on TownTalk are welcome, and it is even better to come to the meeting to let us know what you think. The proposed change is lengthy, to allow plenty of time for people to review it and to suggest changes, I will ask the council to delay the vote on this until the November meeting.</FONT></div>
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<div><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Here are some possible areas of concern:</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Symbol" SIZE=3> · </FONT><b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Setback: </FONT></b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> How far should a new fence or hedge be from the sidewalk or street?</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Symbol" SIZE=3> · </FONT><b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Maximum height: </FONT></b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Should taller fences be allowed in side and back yards?</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Symbol" SIZE=3> · </FONT><b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Hedge height: </FONT></b><FONT FACE="Times New Roman" SIZE=3> Should front hedges be limited to a 3-foot maximum?</FONT></div>
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<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> The proposed new Chapter 66, on fences and hedges, will be printed in the next Town Crier and is available online at </FONT> <A HREF="http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/Misc/2006/09/Chap-66-Fences-Hedges-v8-crier.pdf"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> </FONT><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> http://www.ci.riverdale-park.md.us/Misc/2006/09/Chap-66-Fences-Hedges-v8-crier.pdf</FONT></A><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> </FONT></div>
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<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> [Mac users may have trouble displaying the file. It displays fine with the Adobe Reader, but the built-in Mac reader says its corrupted. Let me know, and I will send you the document in MS Word format.]</FONT></div>
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<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> Rob Oppenheim</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> </FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> Ward One Councilman, Riverdale Park</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> 5902 Cleveland Ave</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> Riverdale Park, Md 20737-1930</FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> </FONT></div>
<div><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE=3> Home: 301 779 1745</FONT></div>
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