I was walking the dog this morning and went over to University Park. While walking along Sheridan, I noticed a yard sign that the homeowners had recently participated in an energy audit, and the sign mentioned a website for more information.<div>
<br></div><div>Upon checking the site, it appears that University Park received a federal grant to administer a program that provides home energy audits (i.e. how can you use less energy in your home) -- and also provides cash incentives for making those changes.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Are there any plans for Riverdale to do something similar? We've been considering doing a home energy audit for a while, but this kind of program would absolutely push us to do so.</div><div><br></div>
<div>Here's a link to the FAQ about the program: <a href="http://mystep-up.org/faq/">http://mystep-up.org/faq/</a></div><div><br></div><div>-Heather, 46th Street</div>