<div>I would like to speak to my fellow neighbors about a concern that has been happening in our community for several years. Rezoning or making a special exception to a property that is zoned R55 residential housing.<br>This Tues evening the council will be voting on weather to pass ROSP3473-01 workers of Scared Hearts Nursery located on Queensbury Rd.<br>
They are asking for a special exception to their zoning so that they may put a large addition on to there house and put a half circular driveway on the lot directly next to the house. They will be cutting down mature trees and taking out Crape Myrtle trees and covering this lot with driveway material "undetermined at this time" and also adding handicap parking essentially taking away that beautiful green lot that has been this way for many years. Remember the song "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot"<br>
I just want to ask my fellow neighbors that do we need more churches,business,and commercial space taking over what was designed to be residential property "our houses"<br>My understanding is they want to increase enrollment by 10 children which means 20 + cars a day on this street (morning and evening) that already has the fire house located a short distance away. This road is already used by many commuters who do not live in the town but use this route to by pass Kenilworth Ave and Route 410.(east west hwy.)<br>
The concern is the children's safety of pick up and drop off . This has not been a concern for the pass 30 years. Why is it now. My understanding is parents need to back out of the driveway that has a pad for at least 8+cars..... more then adequate to pull in and be able to turn around to pull out on to queensbury<br>
There is another day care located across the street which has no problems with parents pulling in to the driveway and being able to back out.<br>It came to my attention that a petition with 200 signatures in favor of this taking place has been brought around and of course I had no knowledge that this was taking place. I was told just this past Fri. evening about this and was told "of course they did not bring it to your attention because you are opposed".<br>
Why cant I bring to the attention of my neighbors the opposing side of MORE noise MORE pollution,MORE traffic, DECLINING quality of LIFE. but most importantly I want to state it will DECREASE our property values!.Is no one thinking of this. It has been proven in real estate surveys when you change zoning in a residential neighborhood the properties directly abutting them decrease in value and when this comes to many properties in a town having these zoning changes and exceptions the whole community suffers from lowering property values.<br>
I strongly support our businesses in our wonderful town and I strongly believe that if the town of Riverdale Park stays on this course we will all suffer. Think about having a church next to you, a mini mansion, a commercial property that when you purchased your home you thought that these would remain houses. What would you do if they wanted to "Pave Paradise and put up a parking lot next to you"...in front of you or on the side of you.<br>
I think when you consider these facts I think you might feel differently then just the side they wanted you to hear.<br>Please call your council member by this Tues to say stop the zoning and special exceptions on our homes located in our town . It is our town please speak up on this issue.<br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>I’ve a Chesapeake Heart<br>And a Caribbean Soul…</div>
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<div style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;TEXT-ALIGN:left;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BACKGROUND-COLOR:transparent;OVERFLOW:hidden;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none;TEXT-DECORATION:none"><span>There are two primary choices in life:</span></div>
<div style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;TEXT-ALIGN:left;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BACKGROUND-COLOR:transparent;OVERFLOW:hidden;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none;TEXT-DECORATION:none"><span>to accept conditions as they exist, </span></div>
<div style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;TEXT-ALIGN:left;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BACKGROUND-COLOR:transparent;OVERFLOW:hidden;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none;TEXT-DECORATION:none"><span>or accept the responsibility for changing them.</span> <br>
Denis Waitly<br></div></div>