[RP TownTalk] Attempt to Repeal Town Crier Code

Leslie Plant soapmkr at erols.com
Fri Dec 2 14:16:22 UTC 2005

But isn't the Town of Riverdale the publisher of the newsletter?   And
doesn't the publisher of a newspaper have final control over content, so
doesn't it follow then that it would publish a newsletter that serves the
interest of the town, as they see it, during any particular administration. 

If there are dissenters, don't they publish their own newsletter?  Maybe
freedom of the press works best when there are more options.  

I value many of the changes to the newsletter.  For instance, I love the
letters to the editor and the articles about town residents but I also want
to see a Spanish section in my town newsletter and I want to see important,
animating town activities such as the farmer's market supported in every
single issue during the market season.

Freedom of the press is important but that doesn't happen simply by giving
one (or even two)individuals complete control of that press. I feel that the
editor, alone, should not have the total authority to abandon columns that
have importance and/or historical precedence in the community. I would
rather there be an independent editorial committee (the council? ComTalk?)
deciding what can or can not happen in the newsletter and providing
oversight for the editor's job. Isn't that possible?

Isn't there a way to write an ordinance so that ALL of us will feel
satisfied with our town newsletter?


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