[RP TownTalk] Stream cleanup followup

Roland Walker walker at pobox.com
Sat Oct 15 15:49:13 UTC 2005

Dear Town,

The stream cleanup was a success.  22 bags of trash were collected in
the area south of East-West Highway.  Oh, and a bicycle.  A $5 bill
was found, and was donated to the Watershed Society.

There's a group still out  planting crocuses and daffodils as I write this.

Many thanks to the Anacostia Watershed Society for their efforts on
behalf of Riverdale Park.

Rob, if you want to put something in the Crier, Pat Gladding will have
more detailed stats later such as the weight of the garbage and number
of volunteers.


PS Heineken seems to be the most popular beer among litterers.  Who knew?

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