[RP TownTalk] review of Patriot Plans against MU-TC guidelines

Iris McLaurin elsiegoh at starpower.net
Tue Apr 4 03:18:17 UTC 2006

Dear List Master,

I have written this message, as an attachment, directly to Mayor Archer and
my Ward 1 Councilman Rob Oppenheim because: 1) it is quite lengthy, 2) just
my personal concerns, and 3) it may not serve the needs of the majority of
the towns people who have been following this project.  I would need your
advisement to determine if it would be of any use to anyone else (other than
those already copied), and I respect and trust your editorial judgment.  

However, because it is rather lengthy, I am quite content to have it not
included in TownTalk.  That would not be a problem for me, at this time.
However, if you (or Mayor Archer or Rob) feel there is value beyond my own
personal needs, then I would be willing to condense it, or to permit you do
use your editorial privilege to do your own editing room cuts.  Otherwise, I
am happy to just receive a response from Vernon and Rob.

Thank you for all that you do.
Iris McLaurin
4704 Oliver Street
(240) 383 7348 cell 
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