[RP TownTalk] Food Co-op?

Eric eric at ickyfoot.com
Sat Apr 8 14:59:16 UTC 2006

"FWIW, I used to live 4 blocks from the Takoma Park - Silver Spring 
co-op in E-W Highway, about a 15 minute drive from here. Even though 
they didn't sell meat (they do, now), I was able to walk up there (or 
stop on my way home) once or twice a week and get most of the stuff I need."

That's exactly why I'd love one in the downtown area here.

You raise an interesting point in terms of this possibly competing with 
the farmer's market. My feeling is that farmer's market have an appeal 
all their own (shopping outdoors for locally grown and shipped foods) 
that a co-op can't really compete with. But it would be worth getting 
some feedback to make sure it wouldn't step on any toes. I'd hate to 
undermine the farmer's market.

I do think we can again look to Takoma Park here, though: their co-op 
and farmer's market coexist without any problems that I'm aware of.


Nancy wrote:

>David's raising a very good point. Is there any reason to talk about
>attracting anything "downtown" under the current circumstances? Is Jemal
>likely to be cooperative? 
>Without knowing any of the folks involved, I'll put this question out there:
>would it be possible for a food co-op to complement and even bolster the
>farmers' market? If, on the other hand, it would undermine or interfere with
>the farmers' market, I'm not interested. Personally, I'm also not interested
>in undermining the buyers' group or any of the other co-ops around here. 
>Are any of the folks involved in the farmers' market or the buyers' group at
>all interested in this idea? Either on board with it or interested in making
>it happen?  
>If not, I wonder if any of the nearby co-ops (Takoma Park - Silver Spring,
>Glut, or the one in College Park, whatever that is) would be interested in
>opening another location here?  
>Probably the most important consideration - would it be viable? Are there
>enough people that would shop there? I can't remember the figures, but some
>ridiculous percentage of spending in grocery stores (well more than half) is
>among fewer than 100 items, even in great big grocery stores. A well-run
>small store that stocks the stuff that people want to buy, supported by a
>customer base that would embrace the aesthetic of getting their stuff at a
>small community store rather than the big, bright, shiny Giant, Safeway,
>Target, whatever, has a chance. 
>FWIW, I used to live 4 blocks from the Takoma Park - Silver Spring co-op in
>E-W Highway, about a 15 minute drive from here. Even though they didn't sell
>meat (they do, now), I was able to walk up there (or stop on my way home)
>once or twice a week and get most of the stuff I need. Life was good when I
>only had to go to the big, bright, shiny supermarket once a month or so.
>But that's me. What does anybody else out there think?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: TownTalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org
>[mailto:TownTalk-bounces at riverdale-park.org] On Behalf Of david lingua
>Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:51 PM
>To: rob.oppenheim at comcast.net; TownTalk
>Subject: Re: [RP TownTalk] Food Co-op?
>Sounds good. Now, is there a horse out there that'll take Jemal's bit?
>--- Rob Oppenheim <rob.oppenheim at comcast.net> wrote:
>>Nancy and Beth mentioned the idea of a food co-op for town center.
>>Sounds terrific to me.
>>Is there enough interest to pull this off?
>>What do you think?
>>On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 09:40:30 -0500 (CDT), ng_md at verizon.net wrote:
>>What do you think about trying to attract a food co-op to our little 
>>downtown?  With collaboration and cooperation of the buyers' group and 
>>the farmers' market folks?
>>From: Beth Judy <bjudy at wafonline.org>
>>Date: Thu Apr 06 09:13:02 CDT 2006
>>To: 'Nancy' <ng_md at verizon.net>
>>Subject: RE: [RP TownTalk] Sarah's Cyburbia link
>>Hi Nancy,
>>I would definitely support a food coop -given the popularity of our 
>>farmers market, bet a lot of other people would too.
>>Beth Judy
>>4600 Sheridan
>>From: ...Nancy
>>Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 20069:35 PM
>>To: TownTalk at riverdale-park.org
>>Subject: [RP TownTalk] Sarah'sCyburbia link
>>..,all those empty storefronts are now on my mind, wouldn't it be cool 
>>if we have a food co-op "downtown?" Sure would be nice to have a store 
>>within walking distance that carries real food. If Mt.Rainier can 
>>support it, why can't Riverdale Park?
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