[RP TownTalk] Food Co-op?

Alice Ewen Walker alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com
Sat Apr 8 15:22:22 UTC 2006

I'm in both the buyers club and active in the farmer's market.

My sense is that, at least for the buyers club, we've become less
active as more local options have become available (and as some of us
have gotten busier).  Others could probably say more about the history
of the club.

I'd agree that Farmer's Markets have their own appeal.  Not sure if a
co-op would hurt or help the FM.

As a side note, we DO need to constantly advertise and promote the
farmer's market to maintain and increase its customer base.  So if you
love the market, please, please tell your friends and colleagues to
come shop here and to sign up for the farmer's market mailing list. 

Even if you don't love the farmer's market, but you wish there were
some tenants in town center, consider the fact that the farmer's
market is living proof that "if you build it they will come." All of
us working to double the customer base (currently about 300 people a
week at peak season) will help showcase the town's economic potential.
 FM shoppers are not theoretical customers, they are real ones who go
out of their way (either physically or by planning their shopping for
a confined time and date) to visit the town center. That's persuasive
to a business owner considering renting a retail site.

- Alice

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