[RP TownTalk] Queensbury Buses

David Hiles hilesd at mindspring.com
Tue Apr 25 02:01:57 UTC 2006

My messages to this list are being moderated because I was judged to 
have violated the posting standards.

eric noted elsewhere that the buses serve as a cross-county link for 
lots of riders, and that the f4 route is underserved.  i've ridden the 
f4 and i agree that we need more capacity on that route. i don't think 
it should be cancelled. it might even be faster if it ran on 410.

my point is that it is reasonable to redirect "through" traffic onto 
410, leaving queensbury for local traffic.   i moved to riverdale in 
1990,  and i've seen a big increase in through traffic on interior 
streets during that time.

buses are part of the through traffic load and their impact on our 
community should be managed.  i grew up with a bus stop outside my 
front yard. the noise was one thing, but there was also the cigarette 
butts, gum wrappers, and dead grass around the stop.  unless there is a 
really good reason for messing things up inside the neighborhood, the 
bus route should be moved to 410.  our government should advocate on 
our behalf to improve or maintain quality of life in our small town.  
wmata is not focused on what is good for riverdale park.  that's our 

our community's future holds much greater density, because of our great 
access to two metro stations and to big new centers of employment.  we 
have had bad density imposed on us in the past as seen in the apt area 
off kenilworth road.  the eya project may be an example of good 
density. dealing with increased traffic is part of a good planning 
response.  it isn't going to go away, but where should it best be 

i'd like to see our community take an active role in managing the 
various aspects of our move to density in ways that improve our quality 
of life.   for example, if we have more pedestrian traffic in the 
future, the sidewalks may need to be widened(!!!)  we might improve 
traffic flow by putting in modern roundabouts at kenilworth/410 and at 
rt 1/410.  [http://www.alaskaroundabouts.com/mythfact3.html]  there are 
lots of aspects to consider, and i think the new people involved in 
town affairs may be willing to deal with it.  i hope so.

some problems have solutions.

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