[RP TownTalk] 410 improvements and busses

Holly Moreland hpmoreland at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 25 08:37:32 UTC 2006

I think adding several round abouts and some pull over
areas for buses would be a great.  And we do have
walkers so footbridges or sidewalks to help
pedestrians access them woul be great.  I believe 100%
that redirecting outside traffic would do wonders for
our community and allowing close access to public
transportation a block over would greatly improve our
quality of life.  After all if we wanted to be a mass
transist community through the center of town we might
as well be DC.  And if I wanted to live there I would
of moved there not riverdale park which use to be a
peaceful little town.  Friends of ours use to comment
on how nice it was.  Now they hate to visit because of
all the traffic and noise next to our yard.  How
things can change in several years.
One more thing the building of the condos besides the
traffic nightmare that will cause, imagine what all
those big construction vehicles will do to our streets
before they ever get nearly finished.  Not to mention
all the dust dirt and mud that would be all over town.
 And the added noise.  People in that area don't like
to hear a train blow its horn and the track has been
there for ever.  Think of all the new not so pleasant
sounds you'll get to hear at the crack of dawn and
maybe even the weekens when the job runs behind.  And
it will they all do.  And if you cant stand it any
more and want to move. Do you really think that would
make someone else buy your home?  Just something we
should think about.

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