[RP TownTalk] Salaries

OurDollMom at aol.com OurDollMom at aol.com
Sun Dec 3 12:35:57 UTC 2006

I think the mayor etc salaries should be in
step with other towns our size.  I know 
from life's experience of working all my life
in private sector and doing doll repair for 
the public - if I do not get paid fairly - then
when times get rough - I have a hard time
sticking with it till a good job is done.
People who pay fair, I am enthusiastic no
matter what till the very end. On the other
side of the coin, if I choose to do a job for
much less for a good reason- when times
get rough I am still enthused to the very 
end....so if the town wants "happy"
enthusiastic creative people working for 
us - then we should be fair in their pay
and benefits.     Emily
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