[RP TownTalk] Revenue - Problems - Solutions

Rob Oppenheim oppenheim at email.com
Sun Dec 3 23:09:35 UTC 2006

Let me see if I can clarify a few items recently discussed here.

Revenues Fluctuate. 

A few years ago there was a revenue shortfall that resulted in cut backs. 
We are in pretty good shape right now. Don’t get me wrong. There is 
not a ton of money, but there is some. We can, and are, doing things
to improve this town.

The Good News

As a result of increased revenues, we were able to increase funding for
police and front office staff. It takes time to see results from increased 
staffing. Hiring people in government takes a long time. Then there is 
training time, followed by time spent clearing the backlog of work. 
Routine turnover in staff also slows progress. But progress is being made. 

The police department is now well funded and fully staffed and at a high
point. E.g., there was a patrol car posted at the path next to Greg’s towing
last night. This area needs better lighting too. The street lamps above
this area on E-W highway are out. (You would not believe how much time
and effort it takes to get street lamps fixed.)

We have had some success here. Some lights that have been dark for 
years are now lit. I have a commitment from the state highway dept
to fix those lamps on E-W highway. I will probably have to follow up and 
remind them several times before it gets done. Once those lamps are fixed, 
we can look at the area again to see if still more lighting is appropriate. 

The Bad News

We all worry that our town is slipping into disrepair, over crowding, and crime.

These are big problems that need long-term solutions. The “whack a mole”
approach won't fix them. Nor will just increasing staff. 

We need long-term, visionary solutions that come from the top - the council. 
We need creative, can do leaders. I think we have a few - we need more.

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