[RP TownTalk] Police, crimes, etc

Sue Collins wheadle at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 16:01:48 UTC 2006

I've lived in town for almost 20 years, and thankfully
I've had to call the police very few times.  However,
no matter what time of day or night, no matter if the
call was a dire emergency or just something that
"didn't look right," I've always had a quick response
from our police officers.  Unfortunately, they can't
be everywhere all the time, so it's up to us to report
anything out of the ordinary.   If you've ever watched
the TV show "Cops," or similar shows, you get some
idea of what the police have to handle on any given
day/night; domestic disputes, vicious animals,
robberies, etc.  But those shows do NOT show the
extensive time that the police have to spend filling
out reports, attending trials, etc.  I'm sorry to hear
that we have so much crime in what at first glance
looks like a peaceful neighborhood - if you see
something illegal going on dont think "it's not my
problem," because the next time around, it very well
COULD be your problem.  If you're out walking at ANY
time of day, be aware of your surroundings, don't bury
yourself in your cell phone, walkman, ipod, etc.  As
they used to say on Hill Street Blues, "Let's be
careful out there."

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