[RP TownTalk] Dog Park

Stephanie Gorin steph_gorin at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 5 13:46:09 UTC 2006

We are members of College Park dog park and still very much support a dog
park here in Riverdale Park.  It may be 3 miles away but still requires
getting into the car and going down route 1 to get there.  I can tell you
that use of that dog park is low- I believe that is because it is not really
located in a neighborhood and everyone who comes there does so by car.  

There are only two active members of the CP dog park from Riverdale Park. A
dog park here in Riverdale Park would be used by the many dog owners here. 
It seems like every other house has at least one dog.  I also think the
proposed location for the dog park here is ideal.  There are tree to provide
shade and even protection from light rain.  The CP dog park site is pretty
small as dog parks go and has no shade at all.  

Besides being convenient and providing a service for residents, a dog park
here in Riverdale Park would be community building.  I would argue that a
dog park would make a huge contribution to community building here.  It
would bring together anyone and everyone from the community wtih a dog. 
While the dogs play, the people get to know each other.  

Stephanie Gorin
Ravenswood Rd.

P.S.  I would participate on the committee as well.

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