[RP TownTalk] Gorgeous Prince George's Day -- Follow up activities

Iris McLaurin elsiegoh at starpower.net
Fri Oct 13 17:46:48 UTC 2006

Greetings Kristin,

My husband and I would have loved to help. However, this is my family
reunion weekend and we're not Washingtonians so everyone is driving in from
NY, NC, CT, DE; otherwise, I'd get them to just pitch in and help! Are there
other activities that will take place after Saturday where we can help with
follow-up or other projects? (I'm scheduled to work the Mansion on Sunday).

I  applaud you for what you are doing-and my heartfelt thoughts will
certainly be with you and others who will make our part of Prince George's
Gorgeous!  I do wish I could be there to do my part.  Thank you and the
other volunteers so much for your willingness to serve.

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only
ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found
how to serve."
-- Albert Schweitzer:

Iris McLaurin-Southall
Ward 1 - Oliver Street

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