[RP TownTalk] Economic Development Presentation

Dannielle Glaros dgriverdalepark at comcast.net
Mon Sep 18 15:44:15 UTC 2006

Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.  I just wanted to remind you that
Kennedy Smith will be speaking on Thursday, September 21st at 7:30pm at Town
Hall.  While part of her presentation will focus on her initial assessment,
she will also be sharing with us details on what small towns across the
country are doing to revive their older commercial areas.  Light
refreshments will be available at 7pm, so please come early and chat with
Ms. Smith directly.  Also, please feel free to bring your kids whether they
are babies or teens to this community event.  


See you on Thursday.



Dannielle Glaros

Deputy Town Administrator

5008 Queensbury Road

Riverdale Park, MD 20737




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