[RP TownTalk] Town Hall Announcements and Resident Information

Alan K. Thompson webmaster at ci.riverdale-park.md.us
Sat Sep 30 18:27:55 UTC 2006

Dear Iris,

Do you know about the TownAnnounce e-mail list?  Town staff sends out
a weekly reminder of upcoming events, and announces last-minute
changes to schedules, emergencies, etc. on that list.  You can see the
most recent announcement (from Friday afternoon) at

The Communications Committee discussed sending out notices of each
event (more like your "reminders") vs. a weekly list of upcoming
events, and decided the weekly list would work better -- that decision
can always be revisited, of course.

You can subscribe to that list, and find out more information, at



On 9/29/06, Iris McLaurin <elsiegoh at starpower.net> wrote:
> Is it possible you could create a separate mailing list that goes directly
> to the residents with your Town Hall meeting reminders and resident
> information.

> I can imagine that in case of an emergency with impact to
> residents---already having this list set up would also help the Town to
> communicate information to residents ASAP in a crisis management situation.

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