[RP TownTalk] JMHO

Dwight Holmes dwightrholmes at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 19:18:40 UTC 2007

I'm not sure if I'm getting or missing your point, Lou -- but part of
what may be at play here is that the list is setup to default to reply
to the individual who made the post, and not the list. one has to use
"reply all" in order to send a reply message to the entire list.  i
know a couple of times i've received responses to something i've
posted to TownTalk from someone when clearly they intended the message
to go to the entire list.

On 4/16/07, Lou King <lking at knob.com> wrote:
> This is not a rant. Just an observation.
> I participate in this forum to (1) express my opinion on topics being
> discussed, (2) read the opinions of others, (3) raise topics on which I
> would like to know the opinions of others, (4) pass on information I
> have that others may not aware of, and yes maybe (4) hear my horn blow. :-)
> When I express my views in public on a public forum I assume that
> responses will also be made publicly to add to the general discourse.
> Opinions not expressed or expressed in private do not add to the general
> knowledge or help all members of this forum understand the concerns or
> needs of others. Residents of Riverdale Park, elected officials, can not
> act in a responsible way (for the good of all) without that knowledge.
> When I receive personal email from the forum, it's kind of like getting
> passed a note in class:  That always got me into trouble.
> Time to get off my soap box, get on my hands and knees and find out why
> I have no hot water so I can scrub the kitchen floor.
> Louis King
> Queensbury Rd
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