[RP TownTalk] JMHO

Lou King lking at knob.com
Tue Apr 17 00:06:26 UTC 2007

Yes, Dwight the process you describe, to replay to the list, is correct. 
To my knowledge this is true for all mail list like TownTalk that use 
the email application as apposed to those that are base on a web page 
and have a form to fill in as the Yahoo groups do for example.  The 
reason TownTalk, and others, function the way they do is buried in the 
agreed on protocols for email headers.  Yes, I too have made errors. In 
this case though when my replay does not show up on the list, I correct 
my oversight with apologizes to the other member.

The point I may have obscured is - if you replay off the forum only one 
person gets the advantage of your view, short changing the other 119 
members of TownTalk.

Dwight Holmes wrote:
> I'm not sure if I'm getting or missing your point, Lou 

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