[RP TownTalk] Wachovia building update

Alice Ewen Walker alice.ewen.walker at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 23:18:07 UTC 2007

Town Talk,

The Wachovia building project went before the county planning board today.

The planning board made clear that it will not approve the project
unless some changes are made. The number of drive through lanes were a
particular issue. Based on feedback from the planning board, the
developer is going to review the project with Wachovia to determine
what course of action they will take. No final vote was held.

The county's conditions for approval of the project included reducing
the number of drive through lanes from 5 to 3, providing a pedestrian
accessible ATM (instead of solely drive through ATMS), enhancing
building and entrance design features to make the building scan as
having a strong front facade on Baltimore Avenue, and some landscape
adjustments.  You can read the list of conditions on page 15 of the
report located at:

I'll post any further updates.

- Alice Ewen Walker

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